エモパーとは、Emotional Partner(エモーショナル パートナー)の略です。「スマホを、ずっと一緒にいるパートナーのように感じて欲しい。」そんな想いから、エモパーは生まれました。いつも一緒にいるあなたのスマホが、シーンに応じてタイミングよく感情豊かに、声や表示でいろんなお話しをしてきます。
出勤前に …「今日は雨が降るそうですよ。傘を忘れないでくださいね。」
夜寝る前に …「明日のアラームがOFFになってます。大丈夫ですか?」
外出中に …近くの駅やコンビニなどの施設情報をお知らせ
カラオケやカフェなどに長く居ると → 滞在時間をお知らせ
※2016年9月7日 エモパーLiteのアップデート終了について
いつもエモパーLiteをご利用頂き、厚く御礼申し上げます。このたび、弊社は、都合により、エモパーLiteのアップデートを終了させて頂くこととなりました。 ご利用頂いていたお客様には誠に申し訳ございません。なお、現在のエモパーLiteはそのままご利用できますし、配信も継続致します。
The Emopa, stands for Emotional Partner (emotional partner). "The smartphone, I want you to feel like partners who are together forever." From such feelings, Emopa was born. Always your smartphone you are together, the rich good timing emotion depending on the scene, it has been a lot of talk in the voice or display.
For more information of Emopa is, on the official information site "EMOPARK (Emopaku)"
[Talk in voice at home]
When I wake up in the morning ... "it is the last Once you sleep twice I think 3 minutes left!"
Before going to work ... "It seems to rain today. Please do not forget the umbrella."
Before going to sleep at night ... "Tomorrow the alarm is set to OFF. It is all right if?"
Holiday, at home ... "It seems Park festival will be held. So much trouble that, I'd like to go."
[In the go talk with the characters]
On the go ... inform the facility information, such as near the station and convenience stores
Day-to-day information ... inform such as news and trending
A travel destination or a business trip ... inform such as your local gourmet and tourist attractions
Being long such as karaoke and cafes → inform the residence time
Emopa is a simplified version that you can feel free to experience the Emopa also a terminal that has not been pre-installed. Topics and features that talk to than the pre-installed version Emopa is limited, but it does not change the contents of the emotion rich talk at home.
Please refer to the following differences between the pre-installed version.
※ 9 May 7, 2016 for an update end of Emopa Lite
Always you will find a Emopa Lite, we are extremely grateful. This time, the company, by the circumstances, I have decided that I am allowed to terminate the update of Emopa Lite. Sorry to customers had gotten use. In addition, the current Emopa Lite is You can use as it is, I will continue delivery.
• This app will use the terminal management authority for the purpose only of the implementation of the following functions.
• Customer due to "call out and more talk" function of the automatic order to turn off the screen in after use
Customers "lock and security" of the "Settings" within the app -> from the "terminal management application", you can change this setting.
※ method change by Android version of your terminal may be different.
· Inquiries on how to use this application Please note that you can not answer.
• This software includes open source software that is provided under an open source license conditions.
■ Open Source License